What Should Businesses Learn From Recent Ningbo Port Congestion?

What Should Businesses Learn From Recent Ningbo Port Congestion?

The recent Ningbo port congestion piled up more pressure on the already strained global supply chains and affected businesses adversely, especially in the US. This article looks at everything that led to the disruption and how shippers can mitigate the impact of such events in the future.  The Ningbo Port in China’s Zhejiang Province was…

Why is Supply Chain Collaboration Important? 5 Step Succesful Supply Chain Collaboration
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Why is Supply Chain Collaboration Important? 5 Step Succesful Supply Chain Collaboration

A common thread that runs across the world’s winning supply chains is their ability to build and manage relationships. By mastering the art of supply chain collaboration, these companies have been driving cost savings and process efficiencies. But what does supply chain collaboration mean, and how does it fit into present-day supply chain management? In…

6 Benefits of Shipping Analytics Software in Logistics

6 Benefits of Shipping Analytics Software in Logistics

Shipping analytics software in logistics is of huge importance. The logistics and supply chain industry are among the most dynamic and complex industries involving several bottlenecks, movement of assets, reliance on third parties, etc. Above all, the industry is prone to disruptions and more particularly unforeseen events, making a solid case for why companies are…