6 Benefits of Shipping Analytics Software in Logistics

6 Benefits of Shipping Analytics Software in Logistics

Shipping analytics software in logistics is of huge importance. The logistics and supply chain industry are among the most dynamic and complex industries involving several bottlenecks, movement of assets, reliance on third parties, etc. Above all, the industry is prone to disruptions and more particularly unforeseen events, making a solid case for why companies are…

5 Digital Procurement Transformation Areas for Digital Procurement Strategy
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5 Digital Procurement Transformation Areas for Digital Procurement Strategy

In today’s fast-moving digital age, freight procurement stands to gain a great deal from digital procurement transformation – and, the sooner logistics companies begin their journey, the better. Automating your freight procurement from end to end enables an unmatchable performance and drives ROI to a major extent.  The latest tools in the digital procurement field…

6 Freight Procurement Strategies to Transform your Supply Chain

6 Freight Procurement Strategies to Transform your Supply Chain

Today, freight procurement is more than just about the price. It is one of the most crucial parts of the supply chain and has the potential to enable high-performance levels and drive ROI to a major extent. The ongoing year has been a year of disruption and transformation for the freight procurement industry owing to…

What is Freight Tender and How to Optimize It?

What is Freight Tender and How to Optimize It?

If you are a logistics or supply chain manager, the terms freight tender, RFQ proposal and transport procurement would probably be synonymous with tedious and time-consuming processes. Nevertheless, freight tendering is a crucial part of the procurement process. Owing to the unforeseen pandemic and its aftermath, supply and demand have witnessed severe fluctuations. Securing reasonable…

What is 4PL and what is 3PL? The difference between 4PL and 3PL

What is 4PL and what is 3PL? The difference between 4PL and 3PL

Deciding whether your organization needs a 3PL or a 4PL provider is an integral part of your supply chain management. Mistakes on this front can and do happen, costing companies big money.  The key here is to understand the five kinds of logistics parties and learn to distinguish between the services they provide. While in…

Difference between Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Logistics vs Supply Chain.

Difference between Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Logistics vs Supply Chain.

More often than not, the freight world deals with two standard terms—Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Logistics Management (LM). These are used interchangeably, and not many people know the difference between logistics and supply chain management. Logistics management is a small portion of Supply Chain Management that combines the flow of goods, services, information, and…

Technology for Real-Time Visibility in Shipment Tracking

Technology for Real-Time Visibility in Shipment Tracking

Real-time tracking is an integral part of this process, having so many players moving your freight effectively takes the control away from your hands. The question here is—What exactly is going wrong with your distribution, and how significant a role does real-time visibility play in this picture? In today’s fast-paced freight world, more and more…