What are Demurrage Charges? 6 Factors Affecting Demurrage Costs – GoComet

What are Demurrage Charges? 6 Factors Affecting Demurrage Costs – GoComet

What are Demurrage Charges? Shipping lines either own or lease containers, which they give to their clients (shippers or traders) for secure and timely delivery of their merchandise. Because the cost of operating the container during door-to-door transportation is added to the shipment, shipping lines must turn their containers around as quickly as feasible. As…

Top 3 Pain Points Caused By Lack Of Supply Chain Visibility – GoComet

Top 3 Pain Points Caused By Lack Of Supply Chain Visibility – GoComet

According to a recent study, 69% of companies do not have total supply chain visibility. Shippers face a daunting array of complicated difficulties or pain points when operating in today’s frequently volatile logistics and supply chain ecosystem. There are numerous potential sources of discomfort, but lack of visibility is the worst. So how can shippers…

3 Proven Ways To Avoid Demurrage And Detention Charges – GoComet

3 Proven Ways To Avoid Demurrage And Detention Charges – GoComet

Did you know that demurrage and detention charges can accrue up to 20 times the container’s value? With international shipping rates already soaring, any extra expenses incurred on top of the freight rate will take a bite of your margin. Today, the detention and demurrage charges easily exceed $100 per container per day. While D&D can be an…

Shanghai Lockdown Spell Further Supply Chain Disruptions – GoComet

Shanghai Lockdown Spell Further Supply Chain Disruptions – GoComet

As China sticks to its zero Covid policy, a two-stage lockdown in Shanghai has created further fears of supply chain disruption. The Shanghai lockdown is causing ripples in a setting where severe port congestions, blank sailings, and increased freight rates are ongoing challenges that are yet to be resolved.   In light of disruptions created by earlier pandemic-related…

Russia Ukraine war – a shipping industry perspective

Russia Ukraine war – a shipping industry perspective

Shipping as an industry is interconnected like no other!  As the Russian invasion of Ukraine extends into its fourth week, its effect on an already stressed shipping industry continues to hammer what is believed to be a long path of recovery.  In the last two decades, there has not been a time where the magnitude of the…

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Maximize your ROI with supply chain visibility, and here’s how

One of the key areas where customers see value from a logistics platform is having a real-time update on the movement of their cargo – seeing where the shipment is, always. But today, there’s more supply chain visibility. In 2022, while business leaders are working on building resilient supply chains for their organisations, the scope…

Why is Supply Chain Collaboration Important? 5 Step Succesful Supply Chain Collaboration
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Why is Supply Chain Collaboration Important? 5 Step Succesful Supply Chain Collaboration

A common thread that runs across the world’s winning supply chains is their ability to build and manage relationships. By mastering the art of supply chain collaboration, these companies have been driving cost savings and process efficiencies. But what does supply chain collaboration mean, and how does it fit into present-day supply chain management? In…