Direct and Indirect Procurement: 10 Key Differences to Know

Direct and Indirect Procurement: 10 Key Differences to Know

Procurement is a critical function for any organization, and it can be broadly classified into two categories: direct and indirect procurement. Both types of procurement involve purchasing goods and services, but they differ in terms of the nature of the products and the way they are acquired. In this blog, we will explore the key…

5 Digital Procurement Transformation Areas for Digital Procurement Strategy
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5 Digital Procurement Transformation Areas for Digital Procurement Strategy

In today’s fast-moving digital age, freight procurement stands to gain a great deal from digital procurement transformation – and, the sooner logistics companies begin their journey, the better. Automating your freight procurement from end to end enables an unmatchable performance and drives ROI to a major extent.  The latest tools in the digital procurement field…

GoComet: Easiest tech platform to procure international freight

GoComet: Easiest tech platform to procure international freight

Do you feel that adopting technology is difficult for you? Do you struggle to keep up with the new advancements in technology? Are you hesitating to try out new products because of your fear of not being able to learn? Agreed that GoComet is the latest technological product in international freight procurement. Obviously, it is…