US Retailers Face A Sea Of Troubles: Impact Of Shipping Crisis

US Retailers Face A Sea Of Troubles: Impact Of Shipping Crisis

With the impact of COVID-19 slowing down supply chains, are US retailers and consumers ready to handle the holiday demand and deliver on their promise to customers this Christmas. Find out how US Retailers must plan to cope with Holiday season’s demands and cater to their customers with globally slowed supply chains. Recap of pandemic…

6 Benefits of Shipping Analytics Software in Logistics

6 Benefits of Shipping Analytics Software in Logistics

Shipping analytics software in logistics is of huge importance. The logistics and supply chain industry are among the most dynamic and complex industries involving several bottlenecks, movement of assets, reliance on third parties, etc. Above all, the industry is prone to disruptions and more particularly unforeseen events, making a solid case for why companies are…

7 Strategies to Reduce Logistics Costs and Supply Chain Costs- GoComet
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7 Strategies to Reduce Logistics Costs and Supply Chain Costs- GoComet

The key goals of every supply chain professional are to optimize operational efficiency and reduce logistics costs. Mismanagement in logistics can often result in excessive expenditures, delivery delays, missed deadlines, and damaged goods.  Needless to say, if you want your company to stay financially viable and drive profitability, you must prioritize efficient planning and strategize…

6 Freight Procurement Strategies to Transform your Supply Chain

6 Freight Procurement Strategies to Transform your Supply Chain

Today, freight procurement is more than just about the price. It is one of the most crucial parts of the supply chain and has the potential to enable high-performance levels and drive ROI to a major extent. The ongoing year has been a year of disruption and transformation for the freight procurement industry owing to…