6 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Supply Chain Audit Standardization: Exploring the Benefits

6 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Supply Chain Audit Standardization: Exploring the Benefits

As the $12 Billion global supply chain industry continues to grow at an impressive rate of 12% per year, it’s surprising that standardization is still sorely lacking in many areas. For instance, despite being a truly international industry, there is very little uniformity when it comes to freight invoicing naming conventions. This variability is primarily…

4 Point Guide to Choosing the Best Freight Audit Provider in 2023
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4 Point Guide to Choosing the Best Freight Audit Provider in 2023

According to research by Texas A&M, 80% of shippers usually overpay for their freight. This can significantly hurt their bottom line considering over 50% of their expenditures go into transportation. For this reason, many shippers are adopting innovative strategies for auditing their freight payments, including using freight invoice auditing software. In recent years, there has…