How to win in today’s spot market with GoComet’s RFQ software

How to win in today’s spot market with GoComet’s RFQ software

With cost-saving strategies more important than ever, companies around the world are facing a situation where faltering contracts and a widening gap between container demand and supply is forcing them to turn to the spot market to fulfil shipment orders.   For organisations with hundreds of shipments per month, suddenly having to manually create, compare and…

COVID-19: Six key takeaways for the freight ecosystem

COVID-19: Six key takeaways for the freight ecosystem

The COVID-19 menace has become a catalyst for organizations across the world to revisit their supply chain networks, examine its vulnerabilities and build resilience.  As your business gears up for the world beyond coronavirus, you might be facing questions such as how to emerge stronger from this crisis? How to maintain business stability in the…

COVID-19 update: Why are freight rates soaring?

Spiraling freight rates have left businesses around the world scrambling to stay afloat during the coronavirus pandemic, piling yet more pressure on already stretched global supply chains.  At the core of this problem: shrinking cargo space.   Here’s what has led to a decrease in cargo capacity and how it is impacting freight rates. Airplanes grounded,…

Fight the impact of COVID-19 with GoComet’s supply chain software

Fight the impact of COVID-19 with GoComet’s supply chain software

As the world continues to battle the coronavirus pandemic, our reliance on supply chains has never been more starkly illustrated. From medicine to medical supplies, facemasks to foodstuff, manufacturers and their logistic teams are working round-the-clock to ensure that essential goods are being delivered.   Many though find themselves close to breaking point, as country lockdowns…

Benefits Of Freight Invoice Automation

Benefits Of Freight Invoice Automation

Reducing costs is a key goal for most companies. Some expenses, however, are more difficult to see than others: they remain hidden, silently eating away at your profits whilst your competitors gain a critical pricing advantage from this lapse. The cost of manually reconciling freight invoices is a common example where organizations spending too much….

COVID-19 pandemic: A call for companies to digitise supply chain

COVID-19 pandemic: A call for companies to digitise supply chain

The coronavirus pandemic is a wake-up call for the logistics industry to adopt digital transformation. To contain the spread of COVID-19, work from home policy has become a norm across countries. However, it is challenging for an industry steeped in traditions to implement remote working. For an industry where ensuring transparency and efficiency is tough…

6 Practices Manufacturers Must Adopt To Fight Coronavirus

6 Practices Manufacturers Must Adopt To Fight Coronavirus

Ever since the novel coronavirus reared its ugly head, the global manufacturing industry has been at the receiving end of the menace. With partial and complete lockdowns gripping over half the world, most of the companies have resorted to the work from home option, a comfort particularly unavailable to the logistics department of manufacturing-based industries. …