Detention & Demurrage 2023-Q2 Insights: Major Regions and Shipping Lines

Detention & Demurrage 2023-Q2 Insights: Major Regions and Shipping Lines

The world of global trade relies heavily on the efficient movement of goods through shipping lines and ports. However, the complex nature of international logistics often gives rise to challenges that impact the supply chain. One of the most significant challenges is the issue of detention and demurrage. As we delve into the insights of…

Top 3 Pain Points Caused By Lack Of Supply Chain Visibility – GoComet

Top 3 Pain Points Caused By Lack Of Supply Chain Visibility – GoComet

According to a recent study, 69% of companies do not have total supply chain visibility. Shippers face a daunting array of complicated difficulties or pain points when operating in today’s frequently volatile logistics and supply chain ecosystem. There are numerous potential sources of discomfort, but lack of visibility is the worst. So how can shippers…

3 Proven Ways To Avoid Demurrage And Detention Charges – GoComet

3 Proven Ways To Avoid Demurrage And Detention Charges – GoComet

Did you know that demurrage and detention charges can accrue up to 20 times the container’s value? With international shipping rates already soaring, any extra expenses incurred on top of the freight rate will take a bite of your margin. Today, the detention and demurrage charges easily exceed $100 per container per day. While D&D can be an…