7 Strategies to Reduce Logistics Costs and Supply Chain Costs- GoComet
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7 Strategies to Reduce Logistics Costs and Supply Chain Costs- GoComet

The key goals of every supply chain professional are to optimize operational efficiency and reduce logistics costs. Mismanagement in logistics can often result in excessive expenditures, delivery delays, missed deadlines, and damaged goods.  Needless to say, if you want your company to stay financially viable and drive profitability, you must prioritize efficient planning and strategize…

5 Digital Procurement Transformation Areas for Digital Procurement Strategy
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5 Digital Procurement Transformation Areas for Digital Procurement Strategy

In today’s fast-moving digital age, freight procurement stands to gain a great deal from digital procurement transformation – and, the sooner logistics companies begin their journey, the better. Automating your freight procurement from end to end enables an unmatchable performance and drives ROI to a major extent.  The latest tools in the digital procurement field…

Should you buy LRM software? Logistics Resource Management- GoComet

Should you buy LRM software? Logistics Resource Management- GoComet

The global pandemic has highlighted the value that Logistics Resource Management (LRM) platforms provide to export-import-oriented companies. For organizations considering LRMs for the first time or an upgrade of their current solutions, should they invest in building a customized, in-house platform or buy a ready-to-go, off-the-shelf software? Here are some of the factors to consider,…

How To Negotiate International Freight Procurement Deals?
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How To Negotiate International Freight Procurement Deals?

Are you sick and tired of paying thousands of dollars to your freight forwarders? Do you want to save money on your international freight procurement? The way you negotiate is key. Negotiation saves your business money. It allows you to work towards a lower price, making sure you pay less for your freight procurement. Unfortunately,…