Proven ways to choose the right WMS (Warehouse Management System) in 2023
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Proven ways to choose the right WMS (Warehouse Management System) in 2023

The automation system in the shipping and warehousing industry is expanding at an unprecedented rate due to WMS. And it is not just the bigger companies anymore; small businesses have joined this trend to be competitive and avoid customer churn due to their poor supply chain experience! The Global Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) market is…

4 Point Guide to Choosing the Best Freight Audit Provider in 2023
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4 Point Guide to Choosing the Best Freight Audit Provider in 2023

According to research by Texas A&M, 80% of shippers usually overpay for their freight. This can significantly hurt their bottom line considering over 50% of their expenditures go into transportation. For this reason, many shippers are adopting innovative strategies for auditing their freight payments, including using freight invoice auditing software. In recent years, there has…

How is supply chain technology enabling shippers to cope with pent up demand?
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How is supply chain technology enabling shippers to cope with pent up demand?

With a faint light in sight at the end of the COVID tunnel, pent-up demand has emerged as a major concern for businesses across industries. Every few weeks, there seems to be a speed bump here or an upswing there for the global supply chains, making it impossible to forecast what’s next. Why the fuss…

Why You Should Consider a Freight Audit Software Solution?
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Why You Should Consider a Freight Audit Software Solution?

When shipping is an integral part of your organization, managing and processing invoices and making timely payments becomes a critical task.  It is crucial that you have a system in place that ensures visibility over freight invoice processing and payments. When done right, it will become an opportunity to save costs and ensure process efficiencies. …

How to win in today’s spot market with GoComet’s RFQ software

How to win in today’s spot market with GoComet’s RFQ software

With cost-saving strategies more important than ever, companies around the world are facing a situation where faltering contracts and a widening gap between container demand and supply is forcing them to turn to the spot market to fulfil shipment orders.   For organisations with hundreds of shipments per month, suddenly having to manually create, compare and…

Optimising Your Freight Negotiations

Optimising Your Freight Negotiations

Today’s dynamic logistics and supply chain environment requires strategic planning; execution of strategy; measurements to goals; analysis against industry benchmarks; and continuous improvement. However, negotiating quotes for your freight remains a static process. Freight procurement via an RFQ (Request For Quote) is plagued with inefficiencies when done manually. With logistics operations accounting for nearly 95%…

Recursive Rate Reduction – How GoComet Optimizes Your RFQ

A lot has changed in the freight ecosystem over the last few decades – From regulations to carrier technologies. The way we look at international freight procurement – The Request for Quote/Price/Tender (RFQ/P/T), however, has been the same for decades. RFQ is the first step towards freight procurement and the one that decides the cost…

Fight the impact of COVID-19 with GoComet’s supply chain software

Fight the impact of COVID-19 with GoComet’s supply chain software

As the world continues to battle the coronavirus pandemic, our reliance on supply chains has never been more starkly illustrated. From medicine to medical supplies, facemasks to foodstuff, manufacturers and their logistic teams are working round-the-clock to ensure that essential goods are being delivered.   Many though find themselves close to breaking point, as country lockdowns…

GoComet offers free worldwide port congestion data to help companies during Covid-19

GoComet offers free worldwide port congestion data to help companies during Covid-19

As organisations across the world struggle to track their shipments due to the chaos being wrought by the coronavirus pandemic, GoComet would like to help by freely sharing our live global freight visibility or port congestion data. In the wake of current events, companies are dealing with countless questions such as how are their shipping…

Automate & Digitise Your Freight Procurement Process

Automate & Digitise Your Freight Procurement Process

FACT #1: to automate and digitize takes time. There’s no denying it, so you might as well embrace it – and profit from it too! FACT #2: you need automation and digitization everywhere.  Whether it’s for: simplifying manual processes; reducing worker fatigue; increasing efficiency; leveraging data or improving metrics, it’s impossible to ignore the value…