How to make your freight sourcing team more efficient?

How to make your freight sourcing team more efficient?

To run your business successfully and ensure smooth functioning of your supply chain, you must get your freight sourcing and procurement right. Unfortunately, with the present global trade environment, ensuring efficiency while sourcing freight can be tricky.  However, a strong team that understands your business, is well-informed and makes informed decisions can go a long…

How does digital transformation influence freight procurement?

How does digital transformation influence freight procurement?

The last few years have marked the beginning of a digital transformation of several industries and the otherwise static freight procurement world has been no exception. If there is one thing that the emergence of digital technologies has proved beyond doubt then it’s that the procurement or supply chain industry lends itself very well to…

Automate Invoice Matching with GoComet’s Invoice Auto-Reconciliation System

Automate Invoice Matching with GoComet’s Invoice Auto-Reconciliation System

For any supply chain and logistics professional, invoice reconciliation is a major task; if it’s a good day, everything runs smoothly, but if not, several mistakes can and often do happen while processing invoices inviting several inefficiencies. Market studies show that 25-30% of all freight invoices are wrong, with many discrepancies ultimately going unchecked. When…

7 important questions to ask before purchasing a container tracking solution

7 important questions to ask before purchasing a container tracking solution

The unprecedented impact of the ongoing pandemic has made it clear that global supply chains are only as strong as their weakest link, i.e. visibility. It has become more imperative than ever to adopt a system that enables real-time container tracking. Any efficient and real-time container tracking solution provides extensive monitoring capabilities via a single…

Container shipping stages rebound after COVID-slowdown

Container shipping stages rebound after COVID-slowdown

After a six months-long roller coaster ride that began with the coronavirus outbreak in China and rapidly ravaged global trade, signs of recovery have at last started showing.  From the time stalled shipments, skyrocketing freight prices and blank sailings had become a common occurrence, container shipping activities have staged a relative rebound in recent months. …

Container tracking in the post-COVID world

Container tracking in the post-COVID world

With the current pandemic exposing the fragility of the global supply chains, it has become more imperative than ever to adopt a system that enables real-time container tracking. Investing in automated monitoring equipment for tracking exactly where your containers are has become as important as shipping those same containers. At the Digital Container Summit that…