What is Last Mile Delivery

What is Last Mile Delivery

What is it? Last Mile Delivery refers to the final stage of the supply chain, where goods are transported from a distribution hub or fulfillment center to the end destination, often a residential or business address. This crucial phase represents the last leg of the logistics journey, completing the process of getting products into the…

What is Carrier Capacity: Optimizing Logistics Dynamics for Efficient Cargo Transportation

What is Carrier Capacity: Optimizing Logistics Dynamics for Efficient Cargo Transportation

What is it? Carrier Capacity is a fundamental concept in the realm of logistics and transportation, defining the maximum volume of goods or cargo that a transportation carrier can handle within a specified period. It encompasses the capabilities of various carriers, including shipping companies, trucking firms, railways, and airlines, to efficiently transport goods from one…

What is Ex Works (EXW)

What is Ex Works (EXW)

Definition: Ex Works (EXW) is an international trade term that defines the responsibilities, costs, and risks associated with the delivery of goods from the seller to the buyer. Under EXW terms, the seller’s primary obligation is to make the goods available for pickup at their premises or another named place (such as a factory or…

What is Customs clearance?

What is Customs clearance?

Revenue Collection: Customs duties and taxes collected during the clearance process are a significant source of government revenue. These funds can be used to finance public services, infrastructure, and other government initiatives. Security and Regulation: Customs clearance is a vital component of national security. It helps governments track the movement of goods, prevent illegal activities,…