Why You Should Consider a Freight Audit Software Solution?
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Why You Should Consider a Freight Audit Software Solution?

When shipping is an integral part of your organization, managing and processing invoices and making timely payments becomes a critical task.  It is crucial that you have a system in place that ensures visibility over freight invoice processing and payments. When done right, it will become an opportunity to save costs and ensure process efficiencies. …

Five strategies for building a resilient supply chain in turbulent times
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Five strategies for building a resilient supply chain in turbulent times

The covid-19 pandemic’s onset brought global supply chains’ fragilities into sharp focus and magnified the need for organisations to build resilience and agility into their systems.  While the world might be gradually recovering from the Covid backset and bouncing back to normalcy, the truth is that there may not be a ‘stable state’ for global…

How AI (Artificial Intelligence) is Influencing the Shipping Industry Today

How AI (Artificial Intelligence) is Influencing the Shipping Industry Today

As more and more organisations are exploring ways to leverage advanced technology, the supply chain industry is increasingly becoming AI-driven. While artificial intelligence-based solutions have infinite uses, so are the concerns surrounding this technology. Today, enterprises can use these solutions to gain predictive capabilities and optimise their business.  In this article, we discuss various aspects…

Role of the logistics industry in COVID-19 vaccine distribution
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Role of the logistics industry in COVID-19 vaccine distribution

After a wild year that 2020 was, the arrival of the covid-19 vaccine, at last, got along a great deal of relief for everyone. However, the already-stretched supply chains are now up for a more significant challenge- to execute an unprecedented worldwide distribution of the vaccine. What we are witnessing today is the post-pandemic phase…

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4 Benefits of Reducing Transportation Costs with Logistics Software- GoComet

For companies with an import-export-oriented business, reducing transportation costs has always been a critical priority. While traditionally cutting down on transportation costs was quite a challenge, various technological advancements have made it possible to manage transportation costs better and drive savings.  Today, there is a wide range of ways in which you can optimize transportation…

7 Strategies to Reduce Logistics Costs and Supply Chain Costs- GoComet
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7 Strategies to Reduce Logistics Costs and Supply Chain Costs- GoComet

The key goals of every supply chain professional are to optimize operational efficiency and reduce logistics costs. Mismanagement in logistics can often result in excessive expenditures, delivery delays, missed deadlines, and damaged goods.  Needless to say, if you want your company to stay financially viable and drive profitability, you must prioritize efficient planning and strategize…

Must have tool kit for Supply Chain Professionals

Must have tool kit for Supply Chain Professionals

When it comes to supply chain networks, the bigger the business, the more complex its supply chain management tends to get. Moreover, ever-increasing competition in the market and rising customer expectations have further added to this complexity.   While the market may have left organisations with Herculean challenges to overcome, a crucial relief is the emergence…

5 Digital Procurement Transformation Areas for Digital Procurement Strategy
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5 Digital Procurement Transformation Areas for Digital Procurement Strategy

In today’s fast-moving digital age, freight procurement stands to gain a great deal from digital procurement transformation – and, the sooner logistics companies begin their journey, the better. Automating your freight procurement from end to end enables an unmatchable performance and drives ROI to a major extent.  The latest tools in the digital procurement field…

Why is now the right time to adopt an integrated supply chain?

Why is now the right time to adopt an integrated supply chain?

You may well ask, why the sudden urge to turn towards an integrated supply chain? Companies have slowly started to realize the very noticeable hand of an integrated supply chain in fostering lean principles and long-term, sustainable growth.  The coronavirus pandemic and the current post-COVID landscape is another major driving force in logistics companies investing…