Digitise Supply Chains

COVID-19 pandemic: A call for companies to digitise supply chain

The coronavirus pandemic is a wake-up call for the logistics industry to adopt digital transformation. To contain the spread of COVID-19, work from home policy has become a norm across countries. However, it is challenging for an industry steeped in traditions to implement remote working.

For an industry where ensuring transparency and efficiency is tough even in the normal course, change is difficult in light of such unprecedented disruptions. But it is worth noting that digitally transformed organizations have experienced a comparatively smooth transition. They have adapted to the present circumstances seamlessly in terms of remote working and managing overall operations. 

Here is how companies that have digitized their logistics management have an edge in the present situation:

1. Easy container tracking on a single dashboard

Companies are increasingly experiencing delays and failing supply chains. Manually visiting several websites and tracking containers like before is impossible now. However, companies that adopted digital tracking systems in the past are at an advantage. They are able to track all their shipments with ease on a single dashboard. We have observed a 62% rise in the usage of GoComet’s container tracking platform in light of the pandemic. We have also noticed that many clients have started using the platform to track shipments set out from multiple manufacturing units across the globe to get quick updates. 

2. Today everything is ‘real-time’ 

Data today is getting outdated by the day given the volatility of the situation. We don’t know what will happen next week, let alone forecasts for the next quarter. Even a week old data is deemed to be irrelevant today. But digitized businesses are getting quick and real-time updates from automated systems. These systems have enabled them to make informed decisions even in such uncertain times. 

3. Scalable platform is a boon

Companies that adopted scalable platforms are able to easily keep a track of their operations in spite of the disruptions. Scalable systems have the capacity to handle the load and variety of problems in a crisis situation. In response to the pandemic, our clients have rapidly adopted our platform to digitize their businesses in other countries as well. The main reason being, they have experienced the efficiency digitization brings along. Indeed, the scalability of solutions is important while buying software and is a need of the hour.

4. Comprehensive analysis and reports

Typically, data is manually compiled and reports are formulated based on it. It makes them prone to errors. Moreover, given the current turn of events, formulating comprehensive reports is a challenge. Manually filling in sheets and analyzing data is a tedious job, and is close to impossible in the present times. But companies with digital solutions have access to regularly updated databases on a single dashboard. A competent platform automatically updates data and spews out analysis simultaneously. 

Embracing digital transformation has enabled companies to manage their supply chains more efficiently. They are in a better position to manage the havoc wreaked by the pandemic. Undoubtedly, this is a wake-up call for other companies to lean on technology. Digitization which was once a choice is now the only way forward. 

If you would like to learn about how GoComet’s automation software (LRM) has helped companies manage their logistics in the present scenario, contact us here.

Also, check out our Freight Index and Sailing Schedule modules.

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